02 Jun
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Power, private and public

According to ECLAC, 30 million Latin Americans live outside their country of origin. It was an exit: the airport (or the border), and the sending of family remittances. Calculating 3 or 4 relatives for each migrant, and adding 70 million, they are 100 million in total. In other words, almost 1 in 6 compatriots make a living from migrant labor. And in each country, the sum of incoming remittances climbs from 10% to almost 40% of its GDP; This is more than foreign investment, and more than foreign “aid”.

And now, the “anti-coronavirus” policies undermine the economies of all countries, exporters and importers of human beings; and they create widespread mass unemployment, with an impressive drop in remittances. It is time to look for “another way out”. Which? The Five Reforms; the alternative to migration. In-depth structural, privatizing, liberalizing, and deregulating reforms in government, the economy, education, health care, and retirement and pensions. It is the other way out.

Reviewing figures and data, the same problems appear affecting all of our countries, with no differences other than in magnitudes and proportions; the myth that “my country is special and does not resemble others” is not true. There is an ironic truth: “the patio of my house gets wet when it rains, just like the others.” In other words: My country is not so special and it is similar to the others: it is destroyed when socialism advances, just like the others. That is why so many people flee from our countries, from all of them.

It is a question of power. Who has the power? The left, which for at least 100 years have made laws all their nefarious statist and socialist ideas, set out in the Communist Manifesto of 1848; that is “classical Marxism”, supported the old thesis of the “class struggle”, although they’re nearly always related to voracious mercantile and monopoly corporate interests. But from their command posts in power, on top of things of the economy and education, activist minorities today seek to impose other analogous ideas on us, from the “cultural left”, like gender ideology, savage environmentalism, anti-white racism and postmodern relativism, equally destructive.

And there are international powers, all managed by the left, to which the national powers submit. I speak of the International Socialist Latin American Committee, the Sao Paulo Forum, now the Puebla Group, the Permanent Conference of Latin American Political Parties (COPPAL), and the recent Progressive International, created by Bernie Sanders and his wife.

The “new Marxisms” are not really new. Marriage and the family are institutions very closely linked to capitalism; that is an undeniable reality, and that is why Marx, Engels and Lenin wanted its abolition, together with the banishment of religion. There is no discontinuity or rupture in Marxism; see Marx’s works prior to “Capital,” Engels’s little book “The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State,” and the trajectory of the Russian Revolution before Stalin. And the worst thing is that the “new” ideas do not replace the previous ones, as it seems, but they add up, and mutually enhance each other. It does not rain on dry but on wet; that’s why all the courtyards are flooded.

The height of evil is that we, civil society, are defenseless, “disempowered” of functions, freedoms and resources, which were “nationalized” a long time ago. That is the picture; the diagnosis. But I insist: the question is one of power. “I love freedom, not power,” says the apolitical or antipolitical “libertarian” millennial when we talk about building parties, to remove power from the left. Sorry, it’s just empty rhetoric. Because if he really loved her, he would want to have her with him, that is, win her; and that happens through the political route, unfailingly.

But power, is it only “public” power? That one that all state authorities have, in the “three powers” of the national state, municipalities, etc.? No. Because there are also non-state authorities, in charge of private institutions and entities: families and companies, private schools and clinics, churches, neighborhood clubs, sports, professional associations and unions, and a long etcetera, of all that wide and very varied range that is called “civil society”.

They are not public but private powers; although they are “disempowered”, because His Imperial Majesty “The State” has been “nationalizing” functions, powers and resources, little by little. And from the spheres of the economy and education, to those of retirement and pensions, through “public health” and a long etcetera, including sports, communications, and the arts. Thus, it has taken away our natural functions and their spaces. And under the pretext of complying with them, little by little he has taken away our freedoms (powers), and resources (taxes, inflation, and various confiscations). They applied “gradualism”, the technique of boiling frogs in the kitchen pot.

It’s too late? Some say yes; that the opportunities have passed. But the truth is that there always are, because opportunities do occur. Some say no, that “This country has yet to hit rock bottom to change!” But the truth is that countries are not like swimming pools or bathtubs, they do not have a “bottom”: they can always be worse. There is no “background”; what there are are “limits” and tolerance barriers, which each one decides. Arrived at “your” limits (or “ours”), there are people ready to act, … or there are not, and the disaster worsens, due to the law of social entropy. And it is not just “doing something”, because you can do “something” that is not ideal or effective, that is not correct, or does not work, or something bad, or half done. To act or not to act effectively; That is the question, when boundaries are crossed.

“We have to do something!” is not sufficient. You have to do what is appropriate, suitable, effective and efficient. And do it ourselves. And not “tomorrow”, but starting right now. In my native country, Argentina, it seems that intolerable limits were reached, because at last they are talking about a serious issue: the rights of nullification and secession of the provinces or federal states. (A book Argentine lawyers should read: Nullification and Secession in Modern Constitutional Thought, edited by Sanford Levinson.)

Politics is indispensable to the Five Reforms, but the onslaught of cultural Marxism is too strong to stop with political means alone. I say that the “private power” can win: the private actors, but within the fullness of our functions, freedoms and resources, that reforms are required, from the “public power.” Christians have principles, rules of conduct, values and convictions so good that they are doing not need coercion or public force to impose themselves, as contrary ideas do. For this reason, we would like to present the Bible and prayers in our private schools, but not in any state education. Hence the privatization of education, with the resultant freedoms to find out and teach, a corollary of freedom of worship, In the future, after carrying out the Five Reforms, and exercising our private power to the fullest, once it has been returned to us, we the people will be able to make many and very good “particular reforms”, in our immediate surroundings: they are those that you want Doing for a long time in your home, school, business, church, neighborhood, etc., those that you dream of, but that now the current statism, with its leonine taxes and bad laws, does not allow you to carry out happily. Today sometimes you cannot even make an arrangement in “your” house, because the Municipality prevents it. Not to mention “your” company, or the one you work for, if you get a job. Or from “your” children’s school.

Some say “first you have to change the culture.” It is highly debatable, because the ambient culture is changed with the stimuli or incentives established in the laws. But in the Five Reforms Movement we are doing it, because political actors are also agents of cultural change; see: Marxists have made all their cultural changes to us from their parties, whether clandestine or legal, visible or dissimulated, by their “front organizations” (Lenin), like the “NGOs”. And since cultural change begins at home, we are changing ourselves, in order to get off to a good start. Culture is not changed by just books, articles, talks, videos, or memes; but with attitudes.


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